Transformative Sisterhood and Breathwork: My Chrysalis ๐ฆ Journey in Sedona
Jun 30, 2024Have you ever felt the butterfly effect of true sisterhood? ๐ฆ
I recently spent 7 days deeply immersed in the 'Chrysalis' mastermind in Sedona, Arizona. It’s taken me a few days to integrate the alchemy of it all, and I know this is just the beginning of a profound transformation. This experience has been nothing short of magical!
These are the moments that make my soul come alive, allowing me to grow on infinite levels my limiting mind couldn't even comprehend. I've connected with incredible women, embraced the energetic vortexes of Sedona, and met the highest versions of myself. Together, we’ve purged subconscious programs and lovingly nurtured one another, calling forth the infinite realms of possibilities. โจ
The Meaning of "Chrysalis" ๐ฆ
The word "Chrysalis" refers to the cocoon stage of a butterfly, a period of transformation where the caterpillar undergoes a profound metamorphosis to become a butterfly. Symbolically, it represents a state of growth, change, and rebirth. Just as the chrysalis stage is essential for the butterfly to emerge, this mastermind provided a sacred space for us to transform and emerge as our highest selves.
Sharing the Sacred Gift of Breathwork ๐ฌ
Breathwork has always been a sacred gift to me, a powerful tool for my healing and transformation. During this mastermind, I had the honor of sharing my gifts with some truly amazing women. We dove deep into the practice, using breathwork to release old patterns and connect with our inner selves to create a ripple effect of energy and empowerment. The influence of breathwork on our journeys was profound, allowing these beautiful women to access parts of themselves that were long forgotten.
Embracing the Energy of Sedona ๐ซ
Sedona is known for its energetic vortexes, and these played a significant role in our experience. The energy of the land amplified our intentions and helped us to connect more deeply with ourselves and each other. Whether it was during a breathwork session, a sacred dance, or simply sitting in meditation, the energy of Sedona held us and supported our transformation.
Purging the Old, Welcoming the New ๐ชท
One of the most powerful experiences of this journey was the release of old, subconscious programs that no longer served us. Under the strawberry full moon, we stepped into questions that shook us to our cores and released into the fires of doubt. We shed the armor that had kept our essence small and welcomed in the new, expansive versions of ourselves. I'm having a hard time putting into words how transformative this experience was, so these words are resonating now: deeply cathartic and incredibly freeing.
Celebrating Our Authentic Selves ๐
Throughout the week, we celebrated our authentic selves in so many ways. From sacred sensual dance to blowing bubbles with our inner child, every embodiment practice was a celebration of who we are. Being cheered on by some powerful AF women as I declared all that I am before cannonballing into the pool was a BIG highlight of the week for me. These moments of joy and celebration were a reminder of the magic and gifts we each hold within us.
Looking Forward ๐
I am sooo freaking excited for what’s unfolding. This journey symbolizes the sacred influence of love, connecting us to the cosmos and ribbons of energy to each other. The transformation I experienced at the Chrysalis mastermind is just the beginning, and I’m so freaking excited to see where this path leads. ๐
Join me for "Roots Reclaimed: A Sacred Journey in Sedona" retreat!
The experience at the Chrysalis mastermind in Sedona was so impactful that I am now co-hosting a retreat to share the transformative energy of these sacred vortexes with others.
๐ Dates: October 31 - November 4, 2024
๐ Location: The sacred lands of Sedona, Arizona
During the Chrysalis mastermind, I realized the profound potential for growth and healing that Sedona holds. Inspired by this, I am co-hosting the "Root Reclaimed: A Sacred Journey in Sedona" retreat to help others experience the same deep transformation.
Some of the transformative gifts we will be offering:
- Creating Earth Altars: Connect deeply with nature and create sacred spaces.
- Somatic Breathwork: Release old patterns and heal through the power of breath.
- Mama Earth Medicine: Embrace the nurturing energy of the earth.
- Soul Expansion Meditations: Expand your consciousness and connect with your higher self.
- Sacred Chanting/Drumming Ceremony: Engage in powerful and transformative rituals.
- Cacao Ceremony: Open your heart with this ancient, sacred tradition.
- Vortex Hiking Excursions: Experience the unique energy of Sedona’s vortexes.
By sharing this journey, I hope to inspire you to embrace your own transformation, connect with your true self, and celebrate the magic within you. If you’re ready to experience the power of sisterhood and breathwork, join us on this incredible journey. Root Reclaimed: A Sacred Journey in Sedona, October 31 - November 4, 2024, in the sacred lands of Sedona, Arizona.
โก๏ธ Don’t miss this life-changing experience!
Step 1๏ธโฃ Click here to learn more
Step 2๏ธโฃ Email me: vicki@victorialeestarr to reserve your spot today!
Discover My First Breathwork Journey on "Raw & Radiant" Podcast
If you’re intrigued by the profound impact of breathwork and want to dive deeper into its transformative power, I invite you to bask in the wisdom of episode 019 of my podcast, "Raw & Radiant." In this soul-stirring episode, I share my very first breathwork journey, unveiling how it ignited a path of healing and self-discovery. Tune in to experience the magic and insights that breathwork has brought into my life. Click here to listen to the episode.
๐๐ป Would you love to learn more? Join my newsletter and explore the POWER of BREATHWORK.
Victoria Starr:
Welcome to Raw and Radiant, the podcast that ignites your spirit and empowers your soul. Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey? Here, we give other women permission to embrace their truth, to find the courage to choose themselves first. Because guess what? You are not alone. Join us in this massive journey of empowerment and courage. Together we'll illuminate your inner spark, empowering you to embrace the radiant light within and show you how magical you are. It's time to unleash your potential and make a difference in this world. Are you ready to step into the raw and radiant version of you?
On this solo episode, please know there are some pauses within the recording as I am recording at 8,000 foot elevation. Sometimes my Starlink hops from satellite to satellite and it brings into the lovely tech space silent, sacred pauses. So stay tuned. I will be back after a brief pause to continue my journey of this immersion in Sedona. Hello and welcome back to another episode of Raw and Radiant.
I am so excited that you're here. This is a solo episode. This episode, I just want to bring you into the space of a beautiful retreat that I was in. For seven days in the magical vortexes of Sedona, Arizona, it is taking me a little while to integrate all the alchemy of everything that I experienced in Sedona and this mastermind retreat with some beautiful soul sisters that I have been in the container of Chrysalis Mastermind with the Megan Ware. And this retreat is the cultivation of five months of being in a magical space of really expansion, connection, community, abundance, to be able to receive and to witness and to have mirrored back to me all that is within me, the light, the conduit, the power, the magic, So this episode is just an opportunity for me to express to you how magical it is to be in the space of sisterhood and women who support one another. And this is just another layer, another beginning of a profound transformation that is within me. And this experience and this retreat in Sedona, Arizona was nothing short of magical. There were moments where my soul came alive. I was able to grow on deep, infinite levels that my limiting mind couldn't even comprehend was possible. The connection that I had with these incredible women, the opportunities to hike through the magical vortexes of Sedona, and the ability to meet myself at the highest versions of my soul self. And so together in this retreat, we were able to purge subconscious programmings that were no longer serving me. I was held in this loving space where we were nurturing one another and the rawness and the radiance that's within us. And I was even called forth into the infinite realms of possibilities of what I have come here to this Earth game reality to play. So I just want to drop in that this immersion, this six-month mastermind immersion has been called Chrysalis with Megan Weir.
I want to bring into the space what the word Chrysalis means. It is a cocoon stage of a butterfly, and I think we all understand that. But on a deeper level, it's the period of transformation where a caterpillar undergoes a profound metamorphosis to become a butterfly. it symbolically represents a state of growth, change, and rebirth. So just as the chrysalis stage is for the butterfly, it is essential for us as humans to emerge so that the mastermind was able to provide the sacred space for all seven of us to transform and emerge to our highest selves. So that's what I think we're all and the understanding, but I wanted to put into words and to vocalize what the word chrysalis means. And so I have my notes here and there's just so much that I received during the opening ceremony just was under this full moon, the strawberry full moon in June of 2024. And there was just this divinely guided force that was behind me that was filled with this abundance and gratitude of being in this space with these other powerful empowered women. And we started with this dancing, heart-opening ceremony that was really an opportunity to ground into the feminine essence that's within each one of us and to really open up to this vulnerability so that we could be in this community of of just being able to feel all the feels and to feel this vast aliveness. So each one of us, we were able to share on separate days, our sacred gifts, our magic and medicine for each other. And so I had the opportunity to share my sacred gift of breath work, and it has been a lifetime coming to fruition for me to be able to share breathwork on such a powerful level for these women that are so high-vibing and so highly evolved as the spiritual wise sages that we all are. And so to be able to hold this sacred space for each one of them was just purely my gift of really stepping into everything as a conduit and as a intuitive that I am. So during, like I said, this mastermind, I had the honor of sharing my gift of breathwork with these truly amazing women. I held this space for an hour and a half for them where they were able to use breathwork to release old patterns, to goddess that they all are to create this ripple effect of this energy and empowerment. And being that we were in Sedona, Arizona, it just helped to amplify the profoundness of breathwork and the essence that's within each one of us. So these beautiful women were able to access parts of themselves that maybe that were long forgotten. So also within this retreat, we went on hikes within the vortexes of Sedona. And if you're not familiar with the vortexes of Sedona, please, please, please Google it because there's so much magic within these canyons and this red rocks and these sculptures that are within the red rocks that are all nature formed. And it actually played the significant role in the expansion of our experience. where the energy and the land amplified our intentions and it helped us really to connect more deeply to our inner soul self. And it was, whether it was during breath work or whether it was during a sacred dance or simply sitting in meditation, the energy and the vortexes of Sedona just really supported our transformation. And now I want to take you into one of the most powerful experiences that I witnessed for myself within these seven days. It was being held in this storytelling opportunity where we get to rewrite our stories, but we get to really change the meaning and let go of the limiting beliefs of those stories.
So one of the most powerful experiences that I witnessed for myself on this journey and this mastermind retreat in Sedona was the releasing of old subconscious program that no longer served me. So what that was is as a teenage version of me into the sixth grade. I moved from Southern Florida to North Idaho to a very, very small town, and it was really, really uncomfortable for me. And being it was the last semester of the sixth grade, I knew no one. I went from the beauty of the ocean and the beaches to the woods and the magic of the mountains. But at the time, I didn't recognize how transformational the magic and the mountains really were for me. But as this teenage version of me, I walked into, like I said, the last semester of sixth grade and really, really hid my soul self. I really went into this cocoon phase. I went into this hidden phase. I really, really froze my light. I froze my essence. And so within this purging out of the old during the mastermind retreat, I was able to witness that version of me, my teenage self, and to hold her and to love her and to nourish her and let go of that program of staying hidden and staying small.
So the questions that were asked of me really shook me to my core and allowed me to release the doubt, allowed me to release the armor that has kept my soul, self, my essence, my light, very small. And I was able to purge. There were a lot of tears, to be honest, and vulnerable with you here. There were a lot of tears in front of these women. And I was able to really step into that rawness of me and nurture my younger self and welcome in a new, expansive version of myself. So sometimes it's really hard to put into words how transformational these experiences are. So I hope my energy and my essence is coming through with the words and it's resonating with you on this deep cathartic level about how incredibly freeing it felt to let go of those old subconscious programming. I was able to write myself, my teenage self, a love letter to forgive her and her cocoon phase. Really, that's what it was. And I wrote her this love letter that I love you and that I'm sorry. And And please allow me as this adult 55 year old version of me to love you on this deep, deep level that I've got you. There is abundance and there is this light and beauty within you. So that was such a beautiful lesson within this mastermind retreat too that I really was able to release and to step into my authentic self.
So there were so many other opportunities to really step into my soul self, to recalibrate myself, to recalibrate on a higher level of my purpose and to know that there is fear along the way, but I am higher vibration. So there was this beautiful closing ceremony that I want to share with you too that we had this um in the evening it was dark we were on the grass there were stars out and the air was this cool but warm breeze and we really stepped into this a sacred sensual dance, but it was entwined with our playful selves. It was so beautiful to witness and to declare who we were stepping away from the seven-day retreat and becoming. We blew bubbles in our inner child We had these glow-in-the-dark glasses on, and these glow-in-the-dark necklaces on, and earrings, and we really embodied this practice of playfulness, this celebration of who we were becoming. And it was really a beautiful gift to celebrate each one of ourselves, like so me celebrating the other woman standing next to me and the woman standing next to her, and really that ripple effect that we are women together, so incredibly powerful that we have this sacred sisterhood bond, but that we can declare before these women on this safe space and declare into the whole reality of our worlds that we are powerful as fuck women. And this playful spirit, this inner child spirit earlier in the day, she was able to come out. My inner child was able to come out and declare who I am stepping away from this mastermind retreat and evolving into by cannonballing my declaration, my intention into the pool. And that was such a highlight for me for that week. It was so so profoundly fun that my inner child was just so playful and joyful and so happy. And so it's moments like those, the joy and the celebration where we are able to remember the magic and the gifts that are in each one of us. So, thank you.
I am so excited to keep receiving the integration of this Mastermind Retreat, and I say thank you to my guides. My guides, for me, are dragons. Some people have guides of angels, some people have guides of God, Source, Universe, Divine, minor dragons, and really one of my dragons is what I integrated is my father's spirit because he comes through in this playful a way that allows me to laugh when sometimes things are really heavy and really hard. So I was able to have such clarity within this mastermind of really stepping into my truest essence, really connecting with my authentic soul path and my higher purpose. Um, there there's just so much and it's really hard to put all these emotions and this energy into words. And sometimes I like to say words are really hard, but I'm really hoping that you're able to feel this vibration coming through my words as I'm speaking to you today. And this transition of how I'm breaking free from past stories and really, really feeling the freedom of it all. really feeling the freedom of it all. I am a conduit and I am a conduit for you. I get to mirror to you what is available for you, what your soul self is here to do also. So thank you for staying with me to the end of this conversation.
Thank you for being part of my journey, my growth, my evolution and growing alongside of me. And I am so, so grateful that you are here. because this creates the ripple my energy creates the ripple into you and it by you sharing the podcast by you sharing the wisdom that I offer here that gets to create the ripple and then it just becomes this whole massive movement of this light, of this beauty, of the magic and the medicine that I get to share with you in my offerings through breathwork, through I am leaning into the potency of plant medicine. I am leaning into the potency of crystal remedies, which I'm going to share more with you on in a future podcast. But for now, I am just so grateful that you are here.
So. I am excited to share this unfolding with you because each journey of my life is just this evolution. And this journey symbolizes for me the sacred influence of love, of connecting us to the cosmos and to the ribbons and the ripples of energy between me to you, to your family, to your friends, to the people that you interact with each day. And the transformation that I experienced at the Crystal List Mastermind is simply a continuation of my evolution and I'm so freaking excited to see where this path continues to lead me. So if you are interested, intrigued. If you are feeling the energy of my words from the profound impact that Breathwork has had for the women within this mastermind retreat and the spaces that I continue to hold Breathwork through, the van life festivals, the RV festivals, the women's retreats, in-person couples sessions.
If you want to dive deeper into the transformational power of Breathwork, I invite you to really come back home to your soul self say yes to you to choose you it is the month of january sorry the month of july it is my birthday month and i am offering a deeply discounted um offers on my Breathworks private immersions. I just turned 55 on July 3rd and I'm extending to you $555 off my three-month immersion where we really go deep, we really activate just this beauty and this wisdom within you, and we release that old subconscious programming that no longer serves you. I hold you in this safe, sacred, sage space that you get to evolve, that you get to grow, that you get to be all that you choose to be. And that is within my three-month immersion where there's also access to, when we're not meeting one-on-one each week, there's access into Voxer, where that's a voice messaging app that I get to hold you and support you and really light you up from this cheerleader atmosphere. and also there's soul work and there's integration and there's so much beauty and magic within that container. And if you're not sure if you want to step into a three-month container, I also am offering $555 for my 55th birthday off my four-week immersion where it's basically we do the exact same thing as my three-month immersion but on a smaller scale. I still hold you and support you in your intentions of growth and evolution, of shedding the past, releasing old trauma that's keeping you maybe stuck within that cocoon where you want to become this beautiful chrysalis butterfly and to really evolve and to live this life that you know that you were authentically meant to live on this earth. So if that's something that resonates with you, see the links at the bottom of the transcript here.
Thank you for tuning in to Raw and Radiant. Thank you for sharing this podcast episode. Thank you for doing a review. I am so incredibly grateful. If you want to share a comment, reach out to me on direct message, on Instagram, share this platform, share this podcast on your social platforms so that we can As a community, as a sisterhood, we can continue to spread the ripple effect from my heart to your heart, from my light to your light, and as far as we can consciously imagine that our ripple can go.
So until next time, thank you for tuning in, and I will see you on the next episode. You are the heart and soul of Living Raw and Radiant. Take this energy, this courage, and infuse it into every moment of your life. Remember, you have the permission to choose you. I invite you to stay connected, keep shining your light, and continue to embody the essence of Living Raw and Radiant. Together, we are igniting a movement of empowerment, authenticity, and soulful living. Until next time, my friends, keep living your soul's desires.
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