Embrace the Fear of Failure: How Breathwork Can Help You Fall Forward breathwork breathwork benefits breathwork for anxiety breathwork techniques fear of failure guided breathwork overcoming challenges personal growth self-improvement Jul 26, 2024


Are you ready to turn that pesky fear of failure into your secret weapon for success?

Today, I'm diving headfirst into the art of "falling forward" with a sprinkle of breathwork magic....

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Embrace the Magic of Breathwork for BETTER SLEEP anxiety better sleep breathing techniques breathwork breathwork benefits calm nervous system regulation peaceful Jun 03, 2024

 Try this simple bedtime routine as you transition into a bedtime setting

INHALE slowly through your nose to a count of 4

HOLD for a count of 4

EXHALE slowly through your nose to a count of 4


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What will happen after BREATHWORK? better sleep boots immunity breathwork breathwork benefits clarity confidence connection creativity energy spiritual well-being May 29, 2024

What will happen after BREATHWORK . . . .

Emotional lightness & balance
Boost of energy, creativity
Realization of desires & goals
Mental Clarity
Decreased inflammation in the body

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Healing Trauma with Breathwork: Techniques and Benefits breathwork benefits breathwork for trauma breathwork techniques breathwork therapy emotional healing healing with breathwork stress reduction trauma healing trauma recovery May 28, 2024

I invite you to embark on a journey of spiritual healing and transformation through the power of breathwork. Trauma leaves deep imprints on our hearts, but there's a path to Liberation. Breathwork,...

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