Embrace the Magic of Breathwork for BETTER SLEEP anxiety better sleep breathing techniques breathwork breathwork benefits calm nervous system regulation peaceful Jun 03, 2024

 Try this simple bedtime routine as you transition into a bedtime setting

INHALE slowly through your nose to a count of 4

HOLD for a count of 4

EXHALE slowly through your nose to a count of 4


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Breathwork benefits benefits breathwork calm focused mindfulness peace reduce stress relaxation Apr 03, 2023

It's easy to feel disconnected from ourselves and our surroundings in today's fast-paced, technology-driven world. We spend so much time staring at screens and worrying about the next task that we...

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What's Van life & Breathwork have in common? breathwork calm mental health nature outdoors presence reset breathwork van life Mar 27, 2023

Breathwork and van life are two concepts gaining popularity among people seeking alternative lifestyles prioritizing health, wellness, and freedom. Breathwork refers to a set of techniques that...

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Van life as a single woman & the powers of Breathwork 3 part breath 3 part breathwork anxiety breathwork breathwork techniques calm confidence healing peace reset breathwork toxic relationships van life Mar 26, 2023

Becoming a solo female van lifer was a transformative journey for me. It allowed me to experience inner freedom, develop a sense of self-confidence, and create self-safety and trust. I also found...

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Can Breathwork be done online? awareness breathwork calm life changing online parasympathetic nervous system peace Mar 25, 2023

Breathwork has become increasingly popular as a powerful tool for self-discovery and healing in recent years. But can it be done online? The short answer is absolutely breathwork can be done...

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The benefits of Breathwork anxiety breathwork calm focus present relaxation stress trauma Mar 21, 2023

Breathwork is a powerful and transformative practice that has been used for thousands of years to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. It involves conscious breathing techniques...

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